Monday, 11 March 2013

Brief 2 Concept development

The "one" and "shorter shower" concept did not seen enough on their own. I was thinking of something tangible that would remind people to have shorter showers.  The timers are all very well but  people, if they can be bothered measuring their shower water usage then using the timer will probably use it for a few weeks at the most then the novelty wars off.

These are some further straplines I developed:

I went back to exploring the idea of time,  is till think four minutes is too short especially given the target audience of British women aged 25 to 54

minus one minute MOM
Less than six
One Mission


MIX six


Remember one less




Still fresh as a daisy 

Squeaky clean

Just drop it

Take five


I have thought about changing coloured showers mats or curtains but the cost would probably not be viable.  Another avenue is something textured on the shower gel bottle.  this would act as a physical reminder every time a person has a shower even though its not actualy timing them if the campaign is strong enough it could just remind them.

I thought a plastic raised 'shower' symbol could be stuck placed on the bottle like epoxy resin dots.

This is almost too subtle so I started looking at other 3d effects such as Epoxy labels and then came across the Diamante gemstones.   

This gave me the idea of 'precious' or sparkle or shine. This may be a way into a 'campaign' name or strapline.

I experimented with creating Synonms using the words, SHINE, GEM but there were no obvious fits and they all felt too contrived


Rise anad shine
Take the Prescious Shorther Shower Promise

water is precious take a shorter shower

Shine n rise to the shorter shower challenge

Shorther showers Prescious planet

Sparkle when you take the shorther shower promise

Shine when you make the shorther shower promise

Save time and 
Diamonds are a girls best friend

SShine Shower
Shorther shower habits invest n earth
Shorter showers help improve n experience
shorter showers half impact n earth 
shorter showers happy i n everyone
shorter showers have immediate n effect
shorter showers heal i nourish ecosystem
shorter showers hope in new erath

Precious earth


Shorter shower habit  new year/ new you
shorter showers 
One Precious earth


Diamond becasue earth is not unbreakabe

Diamonds are forever
Diamond Shorter Shower Promise
Precious shower minutes

Please remember every in one shower

precious made simple
Kind to earth

Shorther showers quest made simple

Fresh as a daisy in five

Give every minute
Global emissions minimised
Greenhouse effect miminmised
Greenhouse effect minutes

Gas Emissions Minimised 
Gentle to earth  m showers


G each minute


I settled on Protect Our Precious Planet as I liked the aspirational but nurturing tone of voice.  I like the link between the teardrops, water, diamonds and precious.  I also like the fact it could transfer to other sustainable issues not just water.

I developed the shower icon to include 'tear drop' shapes as I though this was more obvious.


 I then applied this idea to a bottle in Photoshop:

I like the idea of issuing Invitations to people to 'Protect our precious planet'

I am still proposing:

1.  A Simple Shower gel promotion campaign supported by instore point of sale, the 'precious' shower gel bottles, a magazine campaign, a presence on the Simple website, targeted invitations to the online users. The campaign will spell out the benefits of Shorter Showers to individuals, to Unilever and most importantly to the environment.  The articles will include step by step guides to shorter showers which offer a range of mechanisms to support the promise including an app available for download.

2.  This would be supported by a Summer family festival tour.  Invitations for free short showers offered in exchange for 'promising to support the campaign via a online sign up at the festival.

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